Privacy Policy


Please read this information before sharing your data with the Site or using its contents.


Index of items present in the following information:

1. Identity and contact details of Contango SL, controller of personal data and responsible for processing personal data

2. Data processing for the purpose of using the contents of the Site and for the use of the services offered by the Site

2.a Data processing for payment purposes through gateways or payment platforms

2.b Circle Platform

3. Data processing for marketing purposes

3.a Use of cookies

4. Data processing for the purpose of user assistance

5. Processing of data for administrative-accounting and tax purposes

6. Data processing in case of legal issues

7. Subjects to whom Contango SL communicates user data

8. Information on data transfer to third countries

9. Right to access, rectify and delete data

10. Right to limit processing and data portability

11. Right to complain to the competent authority

12. Information shared in the community and comments

13. Acceptance of these Terms


Contango SL (the "Company") respects the privacy of users on its website (the "Site") and in the use of the services provided therein. The Company therefore provides this privacy policy to explain what information is collected and how that information may be used.

To find out all the aspects regarding the data processing carried out by Contango SL, please also read the following information:

- on the Cookies and Privacy Policy used on the Elettronica Open Source site, owned by Contango SL, at the following link which may also concern the use of this site;

- on the terms and conditions of use of the Site:

- on the terms and conditions of use of the Site:

Please also read the following information regarding the disclaimer linked to the end use that the user chooses to make of the services and contents offered by Contango SL:


PREMISE: No personally identifiable information, such as your name, email address or telephone number, is automatically collected by visiting the Site.
Some non-personal information is recorded by the operator of the Company's Internet servers. Information such as the type of browser used, operating system and IP address, which is collected in order to improve users' online experience.

The Site's various mailing lists, downloads, special offers, contests, registration forms and surveys may ask you to provide contact information such as your name, email address, demographic information such as age and gender, and personal preference information such as interests. The information you submit will be used by the Company only as necessary for its legitimate business interests, including, without limitation, the improvement of the products, services and contents of the Site. The Company may also share such information with its business and promotional partners to promote such interests. Personally identifiable information is not sold or rented to third parties. With your permission the Company may use your contact information to send you information about the Company and its products. You can always opt out of receiving future communications. The Company does not store any credit card information it may receive in connection with a specific transaction and/or billing agreement, except as necessary to complete and satisfy its rights and obligations in connection with such transactions, billing agreements and / or otherwise authorized by a user.


The Company may disclose your information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference (whether intentional or unintentional) with the Company rights or property, other users of the Site, or anyone else who may be harmed by such activities.

Users under the age of 18 and/or minors: The Company recognizes the special obligation to protect personally identifiable information obtained from persons who have not yet reached the age of majority. THE COMPANY REQUESTS THAT YOU NOT SUBMIT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THE SITE OR TO THE COMPANY IF YOU ARE NOT OF MAJORITY IN YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE. If the Company discovers that a user under the age of 18 or younger has registered on the Site or provided personally identifiable information, it will delete such information.


1. Identity and data of di Contango SL, owner of the processing of personal data and responsible for the processing of personal data

Contango SL (the “Company”) is responsible for the processing of users' personal data illustrated in this information and having as its object the data collected and used by the website (the “Site”) for the purposes indicated in the following document . The person responsible for the processing of personal data is Contango S.L.

The identification details and contact details of Contango SL are:

  • Contango SL, headquarters in Calle Francisco de Quevedo 5, 35100 San Bartolomè de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Spain | CIF/VAT: ESB76354323
  • E-mail: [email protected]


2. Processing of data for the purpose of using the contents of the Site and for the use of the services offered by the Site

The Company will process the user's personal data to:

– allow registration on the Site and the use of services reserved for registered users, which implies the registration of the user on the site through the use of personal credentials, the use of the Stripe or PayPal payment service to complete the registration, the use of contents reserved for registered users present on the Site;

– allow registration on the Site's mailing list for the use of contents sent via e-mail, which involves filling out one or more forms indicating an e-mail address and a user name, to which communications from the Company are sent.

For this purpose, the Company will process the user's data for the time necessary to carry out the individual processing activities, without prejudice to the fact that, once this period has expired, the Company may retain the data for the purposes and for the maximum permitted retention periods.

The transmission by the user of the data for the purposes expressed above is optional: there is no legal or contractual obligation for the user to communicate the data, but failure to communicate the data makes it impossible for the user to use of the services offered by the Site.

2.a Data processing for payment purposes through gateways or payment platforms

For this purpose, the Company will not process data such as the user's credit card numbers since payment is permitted through third-party services specifically Stripe and PayPal.

The Company reserves the right to contract with other platforms or payment gateways. The user can consult the processing of his data on the following pages:

  • PayPal:
  • Stripe:

The Company is not responsible for the data provided to payment platforms.

2.b Circle Platform

The Company makes some of the Content on the Circle platform available to its users.

In order to allow access to the Circle platform, the user is required to share with the Company the information necessary to create an account and to verify that he or she is a real person, with a verifiable social profile and with the requirements that the Company deems them suitable for accessing the platform and for using the Content published on it. This information will in no case be transferred to third parties and will be used exclusively by the Company to proceed with its suitability assessments and consequent activation of access.

In any case, the user can revoke consent to the use of his data at any time and request its deletion by sending an email to the address:

[email protected]

specifying the revocation of your consent. If the deletion of the data necessary for the Company to allow access to the Circle platform is requested, once deleted it will no longer be possible for the user to access it.

For more information on the processing of personal data by Circle - a platform owned by CircleCo, Inc. 228 Park Ave S, PMB 52933, New York, NY, 10003 - please refer to the information available at the following link:


3. Data processing for marketing purposes

With the user's consent, the Company will use the personal data provided by the user for its own marketing activities, such as sending informative communications via e-mail, such as video lessons, articles or other material relating to the topics covered on the Site, or promotional, such as discounts, reserved or fixed-term promotions, and other similar initiatives.

Furthermore, the Company may use the information provided by the user for research and study activities for marketing purposes, cooperating with the platforms that the Company uses for its marketing activities, which are discussed in more detail below.

In compliance with current legislation, the user can exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion and Opposition to the processing of their data for Marketing Purposes at any time by contacting the Company by sending e-mails to the following address:

[email protected]

specifying the revocation, rectification and/or access of your consent. Furthermore, you can revoke your consent to receive emails by clicking on the appropriate link present in each email sent by the Company.

The provision of data for marketing purposes is optional: there is no legal or contractual obligation on the user to provide such data for this purpose and/or to give consent to the processing of his personal data for this purpose.

However, failure to consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes will make it impossible for the user to receive advertising material relating to the services offered by the Company, information material, as well as the impossibility for the Company to send communications of any nature to the user. .

For marketing purposes, the Company will process the user's data until the consent is revoked and/or the right to object is exercised.

The user will be informed if the information is transmitted to third parties.


3.a Use of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual's hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Some cookies make using our Site easier by, among other things, saving your passwords and preferences. These cookies are limited for use only on the Site and do not transfer any personal information to third parties. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. However, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please see the technical information for your browser for instructions. If you choose to disable your cookie setting or refuse to accept a cookie, some parts of the Site may not function properly or may be significantly slower.

The Company uses the following technical cookies on the Site:

Cookie Name Purpose
_kjb_session Kajabi session cookie: keeps track of the active session so you don't have to log in again.
kjba Kajabi affiliate token: tracks which affiliate referred the purchase of an offer.
_abv Admin bar hidden: keeps track of whether the user wants to hide the admin preview bar.

The Site also uses third-party cookies such as, for example, Google Analytics cookies, in anonymized form. This is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). The information generated by the cookie about the user's use of the website is transmitted and stored on Google servers, which will use this information for the purpose of:

- track and examine visitors' use of the website

- compile reports on the activities carried out on the website in aggregate form

We have no control over third-party cookies, so we invite you to read the relevant policies.



If the user wishes to disable cookies it is necessary to refer to the documentation of their browser. However, it is necessary to consider that some features of the website may be reduced or unavailable by disabling cookies.


4. Data processing for the purpose of user assistance

The Company must process user data in order to provide the assistance service, i.e. to provide feedback to requests for information or support coming from users, but also for complaints, reports, disputes and to allow the user to share with the Company comments, feedback or reviews.

In any case, the user can object and request at any time more information on how his/her data is processed or its cancellation. In this case, however, the Company will not be able to provide the requested assistance.


5. Processing of data for administrative-accounting and tax purposes

The Company must process user data for the execution of administrative and/or accounting and/or fiscal obligations connected to the services offered by the Company.

It is therefore necessary and obligatory for the user to provide the data necessary for the fulfillment of these obligations, as they are required by law. Any refusal to provide data for this purpose may result in the user being limited in the use of the Site's services.

For this purpose, the Company may retain user data until the deadlines established by law for the completion of administrative, accounting, tax obligations and for the retention times established by law regarding the relevant documentation of such obligations.


6. Data processing in case of legal issues

The Company may retain the user's data for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in all competent offices. The Company may retain the data to guarantee compliance with its contractual rights and therefore demonstrate that it has fulfilled the obligations arising from the contract with the interested party or imposed on the Company by law. This legitimate interest is, in turn, based on the constitutionally protected right to defence. The user has, in any case, the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him.


7. Subjects to whom Contango SL can communicate user data

The subjects to whom the Company may communicate user data act as "Data Controllers" designated by the Company through a specific contract or as persons designated to process personal data, always under the direct authority of the Company, i.e. of "Sub-Managers".

User data may be communicated by the Company to the following subjects:

  • companies, consultants, professionals in charge of installing, maintaining, updating, or managing the hardware and software of the Site;
  • all subjects, such as public authorities, who can access the data for regulatory or administrative measures;
  • all subjects for whom it is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the law.


8. Information on data transfer to third countries

The EU countries in which the data of users of the Site may be processed are:

- Italy, where the Sub-Managers who manage the Site on behalf of the Company reside

- Spain, where the Company and the data controller are based

The countries outside the EU where the data of users of the Site may be processed are:

- California, USA, headquarters of the platform provider hosting the Site, Kajabi, LLC. The registered address of the headquarters is: 17100 Laguna Canyon Road, Ste. 100, Irvine, CA 92603. More information on the services offered by Kajabi and the regulations applied by the platform regarding data processing are available at the following link:


9. Right to access, rectify and delete data

The user has the right to obtain information from the Company regarding the processing of their personal data and to have access to the following information:

  • purposes of the processing;
  • nature of the data;
  • subjects to whom they were communicated;
  • the retention period of such data;
  • their origin;
  • The Company must provide a copy of the data requested by the user.

The user has the right to request from the Company the rectification of data concerning him, or the integration of incomplete personal data by providing a supplementary declaration.

The user has the right to request the Company to delete data concerning him, and the Company has the obligation to delete such data, unless legal issues arise for which the Company is obliged to retain the aforementioned data .


10. Right to limit processing and data portability

The user has the right to request and obtain from the Company the limitation of the processing of his data in cases where:

- the data is incorrect

- the user does not want his data to be deleted but wants to limit its use

- the data is necessary for the Company for legal or judicial purposes

If the processing is limited, the personal data subject to the limitation are processed, except for storage, only with the consent of the interested party or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person.

The user has the right to receive a copy of his/her data from the Company and has the right to transmit this data to another data controller, without impediments from the Company.


11. Right to complain to the competent authority

The user who believes that their data has been processed illegally has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority in order to verify the alleged violation.


12. Information shared in the community and comments

Users of the Site are solely responsible for the content of the messages they publish in the Communities on the Company Site. Users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose personal information (e.g., username, email address, phone number) in the Community or comment sections, that information can be collected and used by others and may result unsolicited messages from other people using the Site. You are responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these instances.

All comments with sensitive information or against community norms may be deleted without prior notice to the user.


13. Acceptance of these Terms

By using the Site, you accept the policies and restrictions set forth in this Data Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the site. This information may be updated over time. You should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current Data Processing Policy.


Last update: March 4, 2024





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